How to Treat Heartburn Naturally
Drink fennel tea. Fennel seed is the most popular natural cure for relief of heartburn. Add some ginger or ginger extract to the tea for indigestion and heartburn.
Use herbs to relieve heartburn daily. Slippery elm bark taken after a meal coats the esophagus and makes a protective shield around the food. Marshmallow root also does the job. Powder meadowsweet is soothing to the stomach, lowers acid levels and can help heal damage from repeated episodes of heartburn.
Take 1000 mg of orange peel extract every other day. The extract expedites the food as it moves through the stomach, and it also controls the hydrochloric acid splash which causes heartburn
Have a glass of water with a 1 tbs. of apple cider vinegar in it during meals.
Reduce your stress with aromatherapy and essential oils. Most sufferers say that their heartburn gets worse when they are highly stressed.