Home Remedies for Healing Cuts
Comfrey helps to speed up cell division Comfrey, also known as Sympythum officinale, is a common garden plant often grown for mulch and composting, but it also has powerful healing abilities. Both the root and leaf contain allantoin; a plant chemical that helps to speed up the healing of skin cells as well as bones, ligaments, tendons, mucous tissue and bruises. Comfrey can be applied as an ointment, or for acute emergencies, some fresh leaf can be ripped up, crushed and applied directly to the cut. This will help to staunch bleeding and start the recovery process.
Calendula is a antiseptic and skin healer Calendula is better known as Marigold, recognized by its bright orange flowers almost all year long. Those same flowers contain potent plant chemicals with anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antiseptic and wound healing properties. Calendula cream is readily available through pharmacies and health food stores, and can be applied to cuts twice daily. To make your own home remedy, fill a jar with Calendula flowers and cover them completely with almond oil. After five weeks, the oil attains a beautiful orange tint, and is ready to use as an antiseptic and tissue-healing oil for cuts and bruises.
Vitamin C fights infection and builds collagen Vitamin C plays a large role in tissue healing and repair, as the majority of the vitamin C in the body will be used for creating collagen. Collagen is a substance found in virtually every tissue, including skin, hair and nails, and large quantities are used for wound healing. Vitamin E is also important, as it aids wound healing, reduces scarring and improves skin elasticity. Vitamin E can be taken internally through foods and supplements, or applied external on the affected area. Break open a 100 IU capsule of Vitamin E oil and rub it into the wound once daily to help prevent scar tissue formation.
Pumpkin seeds are high in Zinc Zinc is an important mineral for healing cuts because it helps aid wound healing, protects against UV damage and supports proper immune function. All body tissues contain zinc, though it is most concentrated in the skin. Deficiencies can lead to scaly skin, rashes and ulcers. Zinc can be found in high quantities in oysters, pumpkin seeds, ginger root, pecans and Brazil nuts, or taken as a 15 mg supplement.
Aloe Vera gel
Aloe vera contains a healing gel Aloe Vera contains a cooling, soothing gel within the inner leaf. This gels helps speed up cell division, helps heal ulcers, kills bacteria and reduces inflammation. It is one of the easiest remedies to apply to cuts and wounds, as many people have it growing in their own back yard. After the bleeding has stopped, the leaf can be cut open and parted down the middle to yield the sticky gel inside. Apply this two to three times daily for wound healing and inflammation.