Bio-Disc in Psoriasis Treatment
Bio-disc's inventor is Dr. Ian Lyons. As a young cardiac surgeon, he went to Nepal to meditate and study with monks where he first witnessed healing therapy with nothing more than water. The healing water he observed was purer than water that was chemically processed. Dr. Lyons left Nepal with the idea to change chlorinated water back to its original state to improve hydrotherapy pools for heart transplant patients. At Hamburg University, he created vivifiers, which were machines with minerals designed to restructure water molecules that would leave it in a purified state. The bio-disc is a small version of those earlier vivifiers.
Dr. Lyons' bio-disc produces scalar energy, which is different from the electromagnetic fields measured in hertz. The energy is created by heating 14 different minerals to 3,000 degrees Centigrade. Scalar energy can be applied to dense objects because it can pass through solids without losing any of its intensity. This is significant because the energy can be implanted into objects and then transferred to the human body without loss of strength. The bio-disc can also transfer scalar energy to water. This water is what is being used currently in Asia to treat psoriasis.
Healing Process
Bio-disc's scalar energized water balances the human body's electromagnetic field and enhances circulation to cells by improving permeability of cell walls. With scalar energy, skin cells can absorb nutrients from body fluids and purge themselves of toxins. The regeneration of skin cells over time allows the necrotic skin caused by psoriasis to slough away and become replaced with new skin.
According to a YouTube demonstration, bio-disc energized water may be put in a spray applicator bottle and sprayed evenly over the areas of the body affected by psoriasis. The patient in the video, named Paning, had an extreme case of the disease with it nearly affecting his arms and legs in their entirety. The scales can be likened to those seen in photos of psoriasis patients on eMedicine Health. The patient showed no discomfort when the water was being applied.
Time Frame
Ten days after the first treatment, Paning's psoriasis began to show improvement and signs of skin cell regeneration. With continued application by day 20, the patches of psoriasis became noticeably smaller. Within a little over a month after the first application, Paning's psoriasis had completely healed, revealing new skin with little evidence of the flaky, painful patches that were there before. The patient looked happy and amazingly cured.