What Are the Benefits of Colloidial Silver?
Prior to the discovery of penicillin, silver was used as an antibiotic by the wealthy. According to the Energise For Life website, colloidal silver is a powerful, natural antibiotic proved to kill more than 650 micro-organisms. Colloidal silver works by acting as a catalyst to neutralize enzymes that single-celled bacteria, fungi and viruses need for oxygen metabolism.
Silver nitrate has antibacterial properties and can be used to treat skin ulcers, compound fractures and suppurating wounds. Robert Becker, a research medical doctor, demonstrated that silver electrodes placed at wound locations eliminated bacterial infections and hastened tissue repair and growth.
Topical Application
Products containing colloidal silver are used in topical applications---ear drops to treat ear infections, nasal sprays for a blocked nose, eye drops for conjunctivitis. Colloidal silver does not destroy tissue cells, unlike some antiseptics, and is painless when applied directly on cuts, abrasions and open wounds. As a gargle in water, colloidal silver reduces the severity of pharyngitis according to the Ray Sahelian website.
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