How to Detox Your Hair & Body Fast
Things You'll Need
- All natural, organic shampoo
- Purifying clay facial mask
- Towel
- Green salad with dressing
- Fruit juice
- Water bottle
- Brown rice
Rinse your hair in the sink to wet it. Wrap the towel around your shoulders so you don't get your clothes wet.
Squeeze a quarter-sized dollop of all natural shampoo into your hand, and then squeeze a quarter-sized dollop of the clay facial mask. Mix them together in your hand and run the mixture through your hair from the roots to the ends. You can adjust the amounts based on your hair length.
Let the mask and shampoo sit for five minutes. The all natural shampoo will remove silicates from other shampoos, and the clay mask will draw any impurities out of your hair shaft. Rinse your hair after the five minutes. Towel dry the hair.
Begin your body detoxification on a Friday night, or any night that leads to your day off. Your energy levels may fall during the detox, so being at work may not be conducive to your detoxification process.
Start with a plain green salad for dinner that night, with a plain vinaigrette dressing. Do not eat anything else after the salad, and drink a full glass of water.
Take a dosage of vitamin C supplements the next morning. The exact dose depends on your weight. Consult your physician before taking any supplements. For breakfast, have a tall glass of all natural, organic fruit juice. Do not drink fruit juice from concentrate- it is mostly sugar or high fructose corn syrup.
Drink a glass of fruit juice every two hours for the rest of the day. Carry a water bottle around with you. Make sure you drink 8 glasses of water throughout the day. For dinner, have a bowl of broth or brown rice. Repeat this the next day.
Abstain from smoking or drinking alcohol during your detoxification.