Differences in Holistic & Alternative Medicine
A patient should work closely with a holistic practitioner to ensure that the best treatment is being used. The rise of interest in holistic practices has brought about the introduction of holistic health degrees as another choice for those looking to get into the health or medical field. There are many differences between holistic medicine compared to modern medicine.
Holistic medication uses homeopathy along with acupuncture, chinese medicine, supplements, herbal remedies, colon cleansing, yoga, ayurveda, spiritual responses, and reiki. The substances that are used for holistic treatment are considered energy therapies, but they are not scientifically validated.
Individual Treatment
Modern medicine tends to treat the same illnesses with the same kind of treatment. Holistic medicine understands that everyone is different and responds differently to various treatments. Holistic treatments address things such as the spiritual needs of each individual patient, along with the biochemical and emotional needs. Each treatment will vary for each individual person, depending on these things.
Holistic practitioners will attempt to work on the patient's attitude toward herself, along with making sure that she is eating the proper foods that the body needs, and teaching the patient to listen to her own spiritual needs.
Treating the Whole Body
Conventional doctors typically only treat the part of the body that is hurting or diseased. Holistic doctors believe that the body has natural healing powers and they work with the imbalance of the body that may be causing the problem. They consider all of the aspects that make up the person's body, instead of focusing on one specific aspect.
Cost Effective
With holistic and alternative medicine, the safest treatments are used first and these treatments are also more cost effective than modern medications would be. Some health insurance packages may cover holistic medication; however, most HMOs will not. Many holistic doctors are hoping that insurance companies will begin to see the benefits of using holistic practices.
Ayurveda Benefits
Ayurveda is a system of Indian medication and is often used by holistic practitioners. They use various medicine and surgical procedures to treat diseases that are not cured by conventional medical treatments. Livepositive.com states that ayurveda can help the body respond better to treatments and improve the healing process time.