Home Remedies for Pimples & Dandruff
Dandruff Remedy - Ginger & Sesame Oil
Apply a mixture of ginger and sesame oil to your scalp. Grate a piece of ginger root and place the shavings in a piece of cheesecloth. Wrap the cheesecloth around the ginger, and squeeze the juice into a bowl. Add an equal amount of sesame oil. Mix them together and apply to the front of your scalp, just below the hairline. Allow the mixture to soak overnight, and wash it out in the morning.
Pimple Remedy 1 - Honey
Wash your face with warm water and a wash cloth. Stir 2 drops of honey into 1 cup of warm water. Dip the washcloth into the mixture and wash your face again. Massage the honey mixture into the pimples for 3 to 4 minutes. Allow to dry for 5 minutes. Wash your face again with warm water. Repeat this process every night before bed until the acne clears.
Pimple Remedy 2 - Herbs
Combine equal amounts of turmeric powder and dry neem and basil leaves in a bowl. Crush the mixture with the back side of a spoon until the leaves are pulverized. Add a small amount of water to form a paste, and rub the paste on pimples. Allow the paste to dry for one hour. Wash the paste off with warm water and a wash cloth.