Benefits of Cactus Grandiflorus
The Homeopathic Materia Medica, an encyclopedia of homeopathic materials that dates back to 1790, recorded the Large-flowered cactus in 1864. Jamaican natives and the indigenous tribes of Mexico used the cactus as a health tonic. Interest in the cactus for its health benefits occurred when settlers took a great interest in the plant and sent it back to Europe for testing.
Mental and Emotional Benefits
Mental and emotion benefits are reported with the cactus. It is reported to increase blood circulation in the brain, leading to increased functioning of neurotransmitters. Effects of this are claimed to lead to sedation and headache relief. Anxiety and nervousness are also believed to be leveled and decreased upon ingestion of the cactus.
Cardio and Vascular Benefits
Sweet Scented Cactus is most prized for its supposed cardio and vascular benefits. The cactus does cause major cardiac contractions. The contractions are believed to regulate irregular heartbeats and sooth conditions such as heart palpitations and arrhythmias. Additional benefits reported include aiding in the relief of low body temperature, motion and seasickness and edema.
Side Effects
Cactus grandiflorus does have side effects associated with its use. Nausea, diarrhea and burning of the mouth are also reported. Cactus grandiflorus has drug interactions that must be noted prior to consumption. Because of heart contractions associated with the cactus, consult with your doctor prior to taking the remedy if you have ongoing heart conditions. Do not take any extracts of the cactus if you are taking ACE inhibitors or medications used to monitor irregular heartbeats. Beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers may have adverse side effects with cactus grandiflorus.