How to Eat Noni Leaves
Things You'll Need
- 1 g package of roasted Noni leaves
- Tea pot
- Water
- Mug
- Cup
- Lemon juice
- Honey
- Soy milk
- Pineapple juice
- Coco sugar
- Ice
- Measuring spoon
- Spoon
- 250 g shredded coconut
- 2 tsp. tamarind paste
- 2 tbsp. meat curry powder
- 2 cm knob skinned ginger
- 3 cm knob skinned galangal
- 3 lemon grass stalks
- 1 tsp. white peppercorns
- 8 red chillies
- 1 tbsp. tomato paste
- 140 g peeled shallots
- 5 peeled garlic cloves
- 350 ml coconut cream
- Salt
- 30 g daun kesum
- 2 shredded turmeric leaves
- Sliced banana leaves
- Whole Noni leaves
- 750 g Spanish mackerel
- Blender
Drink Noni
Make relaxation Noni tea. Steep a 1 g Noni leaf teabag in 8 oz. of piping hot water. Pour in 2 1/2 tbsp. of lemon juice. Mix the liquid together and drink while hot.
Make a mug of high energy Noni tea. Repeat steeping directions from Step 1 -- 1 g of Noni leaves per 8 oz. of boiling water. Mix together 1 tbsp. of chemical-free -- or organic -- honey and soy milk, respectively. Stir the combination and serve.
Brew a glass of extra strength Noni iced tea. Combine 2 g of Noni tea per 8 oz. of water. Place the mug in the refrigerator and allow it to cool for three hours. Add a dash of pineapple juice and coco sugar to the mug. Stir the mixture thoroughly and pour over a tall glass of ice before serving.
Eat Noni
Place the coconut into a frying pan. Roast the coconut over medium heat until it turns dark brown or amber in color.
Layer one Noni leaf on top of a sliced banana leaf. Repeat this action for every individual banana leaf and Noni leaf you are using.
Add the salt, daun kesum and turmeric leaves into a large bowl.
Blend the following ingredients, as recommended by grated coconut, tamarind paste, curry powder, ginger, galangal, lemon grass, peppercorns, chillies, shrimp paste, shallots, garlic and coconut cream. Add 2.5 tbsp. of the blended mixture to the top of each Noni leaf. The final mixture should be thin and smooth.
Position one piece of mackerel on top of each Noni leaf. Add another 2.5 tbsp. of mixture on top of the mackerel. Pull the leaves of the Noni leaf and the banana leaf around the body of the mackerel. Repeat for each piece of fish. Steam the mackerel for 18 minutes to fully prepare the meal.