Wellness Alternatives From Natural Advantage
Therapeutic Touch
The Wellness Advantage understands how important touch is to people. The menu of services includes a variety of massage services including sports massage, myofascial release, cranial sacral therapy and work on the upper back, neck and head. Services such as neuromuscular therapy, Bowen therapy and structural reintegration are also provided. Massage and other touch therapies are believed to be helpful for managing chronic pain, depression, sleep disorders, post-traumatic stress and a variety of other health issues.
ElectroDermal Screening
Electrodermal Screening is a procedure combining Western technology with Eastern medicine. The process is believed to identify energy blockages in the body and help release them. It is thought to ease symptoms and side effects from hormone imbalance, cancer, obesity, allergies, stress and skin problems.
Nutrition Consulting
A traditional Western diet, including a lot of meat, sugar and dairy, is believed to damage health. People eating this way sometimes suffer from food allergies, muscle soreness, headaches, indigestion and gas. They also develop serious health issues such as diabetes and heart disease. The Wellness Advantage evaluates the diets of clients and offers suggestions for improvement. It uses the First Line Therapy Program to make permanent changes in a client's diet. First Line Therapy is a personalized lifestyle medicine program centered on therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) such as healthy nutrition, nutritional products, exercise and stress management. The program is intended to deal with problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes with natural diet changes instead of pharmaceuticals.
Nutritional supplements may ease health problems and improve a person's overall well-being. The Wellness Advantage offers a variety of supplements including herbs, vitamins and special blends. The supplements are available in pill or liquid form. The Wellness Advantage offers supplements to ease the symptoms from chronic fatigue syndrome, PMS, fibromyalgia, stress, hormone imbalance and digestive problems. The supplements are made with natural ingredients, but should be treated in the same way as a traditional pharmaceutical prescription and used as directed.