Bach Flower Remedies for a Fear of the Dark
The Seven Bach Groups
To make it easier for people to know which remedy to use in a given situation, Bach came up with seven emotional states to pinpoint a particular feeling. The seven states are: fear; uncertainty; not interested in the present (preoccupied with the past); loneliness; over-sensitivity to influences and ideas; despair; and preoccupied with the welfare of others.
These seven states are then broken down into more specific emotions to get to the root of the unease being experienced. Once it is discovered, the appropriate flower remedy coupled with awareness of the emotional problem helps to avoid the manifestation of sickness.
The Specifics of Fear
Fear is further broken down into five specific remedy types: Mimulus, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum, Aspen and Red Chestnut. Flower remedies for fear of the dark generally fall under Mimulus or Aspen. Mimulus includes fears that are able to be named, such as fear of spiders. Fear of the dark falls under this category if it is known why. Aspen remedy includes vague and unexplainable fear that is always there. Fear of the dark falls under this category if the person isn't sure why.
How to Obtain Bach Flower Remedies
The 38 Bach Flower Remedies are found in health food stores or online. They come in various sizes and are bought as a set, or as single bottles of a particular flower. Associated reading material and charts regarding the remedies are also purchased for further education.
Copy Cat Flower Remedies
Other companies have tried to copy the Bach Flower remedies but, according to Dr. Bach, they are never going to be as effective since they are not grown in the same soil, nor are the methods used for infusion as specific. As of 2011, the manufacturing of the 38 remedies remains exactly as Dr. Bach directed.