Health Uses for Borax
Womb Inflammation
Doctors of the 19th and 20th centuries recommended that women suffering from womb inflammation soak in lukewarm bathwater with borax twice a day. If women displayed profuse, egg-white-like discharge or leucorrhea, they were told to douche with borax and lukewarm water solution three to four times per day. Other symptoms that can be alleviated by borax and water exposure include heavily clotted menstruation, painful sexual intercourse, blood-streaked vaginal discharge, painful menstruation, abdominal distention and false signs of pregnancy.
Erectile Dysfunction
It has been reported that a quarter of a teaspoon of borax added to one quart of drinking water sipped throughout the course of a day while taking magnesium supplements can reverse male impotency. This can be attributed to many effects of borax on the human body. Borax stabilizes calcium and magnesium in the blood. It stimulates hormone production. Toxic states of hyper fluoride accumulation, internal fungal growth and dangerous microbe production are normalized by borax consumption. Finally, borax has been attributed to female libido enhancement as well.
During the 1960s naturopathic doctor Rex Newnham self-experimented with borax ingestion to supplement a boron deficiency in his diet. He discovered that the inflammation and joint stiffness he suffered was alleviated after taking 30 milligrams of borax twice per day for three weeks. In addition, the relief lasted for an entire year before he had to resume the regimen. Borax controls the amoeba that is attributed to rheumatoid arthritis. Boron-fortified mouthwashes treat pyorrhea, arthritis of the teeth and gums. Spondylitis, arthritis of the spine, Still's disease, juvenile arthritis, gout, uric acid buildup and osteoporosis are all responsive to borax supplements.
Skin Aging Deterrent
Borax may be added to skin moisturizers to deter loss of moisture and elasticity that accompanies the natural aging process. Specifically, borax softens water and keeps oil from separating from the water used in moisturizing skin care creams. A simple cold cream recipe includes borax dissolved in water, olive oil and beeswax.