Healthy Options Using Evening Primrose

The evening primrose is so named for its evening blooms. It was once a common staple of the Native American diet. They made poultices from the flower for bruises and inflammation. This practical and fragrant little flower is most often sold as a topical skin treatment. The flower buds and roots may be dried for use in teas or sprinkled in vegetable and salads, and can be also be distilled into oil.
  1. Respiratory Illness

    • Evening primrose oil applied topically to bug bites will reduce the itch.

      Distilled evening primrose includes gamma linolenic acid, or GLA, an essential fatty acid also found in fish and other foods. Evening primrose includes micronutrients called phytochemicals, which reduce inflammation. Histamines produced in the bloodstream cause bronchial and capillary swelling. When the lungs become inflamed from these histamines, the lining in the lungs are unable to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen effectively. Evening primrose oil may thus reduce lung and bronchial tube inflammation that can lead to asthma, bronchitis, cardiopulmonary disease, and emphysema.

    Premenstrual Symptoms

    • Evening primrose is commonly sold in capsule and tablet but is scarcely available as oil.

      Evening primrose oil can relieve symptoms of headaches, low back pain, bloating, anxiety, weight gain, and breast sensitivity from premenstrual syndrome, or PMS. A warm compress of evening primrose oil and thyme will reduce low back pain. A tincture or dried leaves from the flower can reduce anxiety, bloating and stomach discomfort. Hormonal imbalances and stress can exacerbate premenstrual symptoms -- so sit down, soak the feet in essence of primrose and sip a cup of tea made from the wild herb.

    Multiple Sclerosis

    • The sweet and fragrant oil of the Primrose plant is an expensive perfume.

      Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is an autoimmune disease that attacks the myelin covering around nerve cells. This destruction is like a hole in a vacuum cleaner tube, reducing chemical conduction in the nerves. Poor chemical and electrical conduction in the nerves and muscles can cause migraines, muscle spasticity and poor balance. Gamma linolenic acid in evening primrose may increase joint health and reduce muscle soreness. Taken in high dose, capsule form, evening primrose may be effective for decreasing some symptoms of MS, such as migraines and muscle tissue inflammation.

    Skin Conditions

    • Boil wild evening primrose before brewing for tea.

      Evening primrose oil is valuable as a topical pain reliever. When rubbed into the skin, this herb can reduce swelling from bites and skin irritation. Increasing circulation to the surface of the skin, evening primrose topical application enhances healing and reduces nerve stimulation. Warm compresses or oil infused topical creams reduce this skin discomfort and stimulate healing. Soaking in an oil-infused bath will reduce itching, discoloration, burning and peeling symptoms associated with eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, or hives. Mix evening primrose oil with witch hazel for use as an insect repellent.

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