How to Find My Sleep Cycle
Things You'll Need
- Watch or Clock
Watch for slow movement under the eyelids. This is the transition to sleep process and lasts approximately five minutes. The movement of the subject's eyes may be too slight to see. If this is the case, listen closely to his breathing. During this stage, his breathing process will slow and transition to a sleep breathing pattern. The subject is not fully asleep, so his breathing may be interrupted by more deliberate or waking breathing bursts. Avoid touching him during this phase because the sleeper can be awakened easily.
Feel the subject's skin lightly for a decrease in body temperature. This begins her light sleep stage. Her eye movement stops and breathing transitions into a sleep breathing pattern. Her heart rate will slow as her body begins to relax. This stage lasts between 10 and 25 minutes. She is more resistant to being awakened during this stage but you should be careful to not jostle her or make excessive noise.
Time this stage carefully. You will not notice any changes in his physiology as he moves from light sleep to deep sleep. He will be much more difficult to awaken during this stage. If you do awaken him during this stage, he will be groggy, uncomfortable and irritable. This stage lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.
Feel her skin lightly for a further decrease in body temperature. She is entering a deep sleep stage that is more intense. Her body is redirecting blood flow from her brain and into her muscles to revigorate and restore energy.
Watch for eye movement to increase as he enters REM sleep. This should occur between 70 and 90 minutes after beginning his sleep process. His breathing will become very shallow and his heart rate and blood pressure will rise sharply. REM sleep is the dream stage of sleeping. This stage lasts for approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Watch for specific signs of his return to the transition to sleep stage. Avoid waking him during REM as this stage is crucial to restful and healthy sleep.