How to Extract Propolis

Propolis is a compound of sticky resins that bees collect from tree bark, leaf buds and flowers, and it's use to seal cracks in the beehive. Propolis is also a natural anti-bacterial and anti-viral substance, which helps to keep the bees and their hive free from disease, says the University of Minnesota. The unique properties of propolis make it ideal as a natural health remedy, and it has been used in various forms for centuries, says the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Although propolis extracts are available in some health food or nutrition stores, it can be made at home with raw propolis from a bee hive or an apiary.

Things You'll Need

  • 1/2 cup propolis
  • 1 liter pure alcohol
  • Large glass jar, with lid
  • Paper bag
  • Coffee filter or cheesecloth
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    • 1

      Collect the propolis from a bee hive or an apiary. It should be free of wax and other debris, and in small pieces.

    • 2

      Place the clean propolis into the glass jar, and pour in the alcohol. Put the lid onto the jar, and shake gently.

    • 3

      Put the closed jar into the paper bag, and place it in a dark, warm place.

    • 4

      Allow the mixture to sit for approximately two weeks, gently shaking the jar once or twice a day.

    • 5

      Strain the liquid through the coffee filter or cheesecloth, and return it to the jar. This mixture is a 20 percent extract of propolis.

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