Natural Home Remedies for Skin Corns
Soft Corns
Soft corns form between the toes and stay soft because of perspiration between the toes. The first step is simply to make sure that your feet are washed well daily. Spread talcum powder on them when they have dried. Since these corns develop because the bones of the toes rub against each other, Dr. Richard Cowin, writing in the article "Corns and Calluses" on, recommends putting "something soft there to separate the toes. You can buy toe separators or toe spacers, which are simply little pieces of foam that you place between the toes."
Hard Corns
Since corns are most often caused by improperly fitting shoes, the first easy natural home remedy is to stop wearing the shoes that are the culprit. Home remedies include the following: Rub a paste made of licorice sticks ground with sesame oil into your skin and leave it overnight to soften the corn. Roast the bulb of Indian quill, an herb, and bandage it next to the corn to remove the corn. Apply raw papaya juice to the corn several times a day to help to heal it. Bandage a fresh slice of lemon on the corn and leave it overnight. Another option is to crush aspirin tablets and make a paste with water and lemon juice. A very effective overnight wrap for a corn is a piece of fresh pineapple peel; do this every night for a week, and the corn should be well healed.
Soaks and Rubs
Soak your feet in warm water to ease the pain and help to get rid of the corn. Add a little baking soda to the water for additional benefits. Another good soak for corns on feet is diluted chamomile tea. Apply any kind of tea bags directly to the corn. One way to decrease the friction on your toes that leads to corns is to rub petroleum jelly on clean feet before putting on socks and shoes.