Glandular Fever Homeopathic Remedy
Homeopathic Vitamin and Herb Intake
Homeopathic remedies are often known in the medical profession as “nosodes.” While there are several commercially available nosodes for glandular fever, they are based on a basic combination of herbs and vitamins that you may purchase separately.
One of the best ways to combat glandular fever is to increase your intake of specific vitamins. Vitamins C, E and A, along with zinc, bolster the body’s immune system, and provide an excellent basis from which to alleviate symptoms, especially swelling in the glands.
Several herbs, when prepared correctly, can also help to reduce fatigue and pain. Depending on the stage of the disease, different herbs can help reduce symptoms. In the early phase of glandular fever, belladonna helps to reduce fever, while ferrum phosphoricum helps to ease coughing and muscle soreness. The herb echinacea acts as a kind of natural ibuprofen, helping to reduce inflammation while aiding the immune system over the more advanced stage of the disease. Echinacea can be prepared as a tea and drunk throughout the day for the duration of the illness. Especially raw or sore throats benefit from the application of kali muriaticum.
In combination with rest, plenty of water, and a stress-free environment, glandular fever generally dissipates within two weeks to a month after the initial symptoms appear. However, if you have contracted glandular fever, you may be unwittingly infectious for months afterward. Glandular fever is spread through saliva, and therefore is known as the so-called “kissing disease.” The odds of contracting glandular fever from someone you have not shared intimate contact with are low.
Homoepathic Prevention
Glandular fever is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, or EBV. Studies suggest that olives, or olea europeae, help to combat the onset of EBV. A regular diet that incorporates olive oil or olives themselves will allow you to maintain good health.