Passiflora Homeopathy
Passiflora counteracts alcohol's stimulant effect, making it an excellent remedy for sedating intoxicated people.
Whooping Cough
Passiflora can clear the air passages, soothe the throat and aid a whooping cough or asthma that is worse at night. It may also treat regular nocturnal coughs.
Sleeping Patterns
Passiflora regulates sleeping patterns, especially for those who have trouble getting to sleep and lie in bed awake. Such people may be perpetually exhausted and subject to hysteria.
Other Physical Symptoms
Individuals who also experience odd headaches near the eyes, light-headedness and convulsions respond well to passiflora.
Passiflora requires large doses of tincture to be effective. This may be anywhere from 30 to 60 drops.