Homeopathic Remedy for the Loss of Smell & Taste
When treating conditions with homeopathy, it is tempting to self-diagnose. Seek the guidance of a professional to ensure correct remedy selection. Do not alter dosages or combine remedies once they are prescribed.
Pulsatilla is recommended for general loss of smell and changes in taste. A sour taste in the mouth after eating is common, as are sore nasal bones, bloody nose and dry mouth without thirst.
Additional indications for Pulsatilla may include shortness of breath, pressure in the chest, chills, pain in the hip joint and swollen feet. Generous weakness of limb and abdominal pain are typical.
Emotional characteristics of a Pulsatilla patient are timidity, melancholy and desire for attention and sympathy. Symptoms may benefit from cold food and drink or open air, but are worsened by fatty food and heat.
Upper respiratory infections, like sinusitis, can temporarily block nasal passages, impeding smell and taste. One remedy for sinus infection is Silicea. Indications include loss of smell, headache, dizziness, nasal congestion with pus, sneezing, inflammation of the mouth and face, and swollen glands.
Anxiety, insecurity and a feeling like paralysis often accompany a need for Silicea. Aversion to cold, with a strong desire for warm weather, is common. Symptoms are worse with cold and when lying down, especially laying on the left side.
Chronic allergies usually inhibit smell and taste. Arsenica album can reduce symptoms of allergies; it is especially helpful for runny nose, watery eyes, swelling of the nasal passages and facial tenderness.
Take Arsenica when emotions are running high, creating mental anguish, depression and thoughts of suicide. Physically, a bloated abdomen will be aggravated by food, especially vegetables and melons. Cravings for coffee and acidic food are strong, though they often cause heartburn or dyspepsia. Symptoms may improve with warmth, but are worse in wet weather and upon consumption of cold food or drinks.
If loss of taste and smell is predominantly caused by smoking, then cessation is the best way to restore the senses. Chronic smoking dries out the nasal passages and dramatically reduces the intensity of odors and flavors. Tabacum, a homeopathic remedy derived from tobacco, can aid in reducing particularly strong cigarette cravings.
Lobelia inflata can also thwart cravings, and addresses symptoms of withdrawal, which include headaches, irritability, nausea, stomach cramps, insomnia, mental confusion and depression. Rapid walking generally improves these symptoms, while cold exacerbates them.
Try Nux vomica for irritability, hypersensitivity to light and noise and aversion to open air. Anger, with a quickness to point out the flaws of others, is aggravated by spices and touch. Eye pain, vertigo, stuffy nose and desire for fatty foods are commonly experienced.