How to Get Over a Head Cold Quickly
Sip hot water as much as possible. When it becomes cool, heat it up again and continue sipping. Hot water will kill the germs and bacteria in your throat, but lukewarm water will encourage the multiplication of the germs. So make sure the water is hot, but not so hot that it burns your tongue or throat.
Flush your throat by drinking a pint of cool water after every cup of hot water.
Alternate hot water with hot herbal teas that treat colds and broths. Make sure that all liquids are piping hot. Reheat as needed. Teas that help with colds are green and herbal teas. Green tea can help to rehydrate the body, and herbal teas can provide relief to the sinuses, throat and lungs, especially herbal teas that contain peppermint, echinacea, ginger and elderberry.
Eat light foods like soups and chicken broth. Heavy food takes your body’s energy away from fighting the cold and directs it toward digestion.