Homeopathic Treatment for Ophthalmoplegic Migraines
Ophthalmoplegic migraines are one of the more rare types of migraine, mainly affecting young adults. Pain centers around one eye, leading to double vision, paralysis of eye muscles and droopy eyelid. Nausea, vomiting and headache result, and attacks can continue for months.
Belladonna may be prescribed when symptoms of migraine are accompanied by hallucinations, fury and delirium. Quietude is interrupted by sudden outcries or moaning and there is humming in the ears.
Nux Vomica
When irritability and sullenness are predominant, Nux Vomica can also reduce nausea and vomiting. Typically, symptoms will worsen in the morning or after eating, and are temporarily alleviated by napping.
Magnesium Phosphorica
Cough, twitching, chills and calf cramps indicate a need for magnesium phosphorica. Often, tired eyes see colored lights and shapes, and there may be intense, stabbing pain in the face, especially on the right side.
Silicea is suggested when bloating, hypersensitivity and confusion are experienced in addition to migraine. Uncertainty, hysteria and anxiety are the primary emotional indicators. Fearful dreams are often interrupted by sleep-walking.