How to Make Homeopathic Nosodes
Things You'll Need
- Tissue or physical product (saliva, feces or sweat) from an infected animal
- Grain alcohol
- Mechanical shaker
- Sterile bottles with tight-fitting lids
Crush or dissolve the raw material in grain alcohol. Mechanically shake. Store the mixture in a bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Place in a cool dark place for six weeks, shaking every other day. This is the "mother tincture."
Further dilute the tincture with alcohol, either 1 part to 10 ("x") or 1 part to 100 ("c"), yielding a 1x or 1c dilution. Potentize this tincture by mechanically shaking it, storing it for another six weeks and shaking it every other day.
You can even further dilute the tincture two times (2x or 2c), three times (3x or 3c), or more, following the same procedure. The problem with doing this yourself is that you have no way of knowing what ratio of the original material to the alcohol would be required to achieve immunity to a specific disease.
For the most potent and safest disease-preventing product, the wisest thing to do is to find a professional homeopath who can create the nosode you need in a controlled environment using the correct measurements. Many homeopaths are licensed health care providers. Some are medical doctors or veterinarians. While you don't need a prescription to buy homeopathic products, homeopaths formulate these medications as carefully as they would prescribe mainstream pharmaceuticals, and they can give you concise instructions on how to use the nosode safely and effectively.