Homeopathic Treatments for Kidney Problems

Homeopathic treatment of diseases and disorders has existed for centuries, but has only been practiced since the 19th century in the United States. As people become educated on the uses and theories associated with homeopathic medicine, more information becomes available. A variety of individual homeopathic treatments are available for problems associated with the kidney. Some physicians have even begun to recognize and incorporate alternative medical treatments into their medical practices.
  1. Homeopathy

    • Homeopathy is the practice of treating disease with small doses of natural substances and is similar to the principles of modern medicine when dealing with vaccines and antidotes. Homeopathic practitioners believe the more diluted the medicine, the more effective it becomes. Treatments are based on individual needs and chief complaints after an extensive interview.

    Kidney Stones

    • Homeopathic medicine only addresses the spasms and pain you experience with kidney stones and they must be small and not require surgical removal. Medicines are most often given in pill form with a lactose base, but for lactose intolerant patients, a liquid form is available.

    Kidney Stone Remedies

    • Several remedies are available for relief of the symptoms associated with kidney stones:
      • Berberis vulgaris is used for sharp, radiating pain located in the groin area with stones located on the right side.
      • Cantharis is suggested for painful urination during the release of small droplets of urine.
      • Colocynthis use is indicated with abdominal pain during urination.
      • Ocimum canum treatment is suggested when pain is associated with nausea and vomiting.
      • Pennyroyal usage is indicated for excessive urination and urethra spasms or stones located on the left side.


    • Appropriate dosage for the relief of acute symptoms is three pellets of 30C and should be taken every four hours until symptoms subside. Less potent doses of 6X, 6C or 30C can be given every two to four hours with improvement felt after the second dose. Other remedies should be tried if no relief is felt after the third dose.

    Kidney Disease

    • For symptoms associated with kidney disease, a dose of equisetum, 12X or 6C, three times per day for three days, can help alleviate pain experienced during and nearing completion of urination. Thuja, 30X or 15C, taken twice daily for four days, is the suggested dosage for recurring infection of the genitourinary tract. Homeopathic treatments for kidney disease should be used in combination with any of your physicians' allopathic prescribed medications or treatments. Remember to always inform your physician of any and all medications and remedies you are using or plan to use.

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