Natural Homeopathic Pre-Menopause & Menopause Cures
Pre-Menopause and Menopause Symptoms
Once your ovaries stop producing eggs, your levels of progesterone and estrogen drop. This can result in hot flashes, headaches, vaginal and urinary tract infections, cold hands and feet, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating and mood swings. When these symptoms become severe, the right homeopathic preparation can bring relief.
Homeopathic Formulas for Menopause
To find the right formula for your situation, think about all symptoms you have experienced, including emotional issues such as anger or depression. Homeopathy considers the whole person, so there are different formulas for different symptoms, even though they all treat pre-menopause and menopause discomfort.
If you have sudden bouts of hot flashes and a throbbing sensation anywhere in your body, take Belladona or Glonoinum. If, on the contrary, you have chills, Graphites will help.
For night sweats, weight gain, stiff joints and sugar cravings, Calcarea carbonica will be best for you.
Several homeopathic formulas are suitable for mood instability, including fits of anger, anxiety and depression. If you have any of these symptoms, Nux Vomica, Lilium tigrinum, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla or Staphysagria are formulated to address them. Arsenicum will help you if you're having panic attacks.
Ignatia is usually recommended for headaches, muscle spasms and menstrual cramps. If your periods have become irregular—sometimes light, other times heavy—Sepia may be helpful. If you have morning hot flashes, try taking Sulphur.
Taking Homeopathic Remedies
Many homeopathic formulas treat the same symptoms. To avoid frustrating and time-wasting trial and error, the consult a homeopathic doctor. She will use her experience and knowledge to do a complete assessment and find the best cure for you.
However, you don't need a prescription to buy a homeopathic remedy. If you want to give homeopathy a try on your own, keep a few things in mind. Take your homeopathic remedy apart from meals and store unused portions in a dark, cool place. Suck on homeopathic tablets rather than swallowing them as you would a pill. If you're taking a liquid homeopathic formula, put the drops on your tongue. Do not mix them with water.
After you take the first dose, wait a few hours. If your symptom improves and then returns, take another dose. If you feel relief that lasts a couple of days, you can stop taking the remedy. If nothing changes or you experience frequent relapses, you should try a different formula.