Homeopathic Cure for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Diagnosis and Homeopathic Treatment of BPPV
There are many serious illnesses, such as brain tumors and neurological disorders, that can make you lose your balance. It's important that you get a professional diagnosis before you begin taking any medication for your dizzy spells. Since BPPV is an inner-ear condition, you should see a medical doctor with a specialty in otolaryngology. Once she confirms you have BPPV, you can start on a homeopathic treatment plan.
Homeopathy assumes that every chronic health problem has to do with energy that's blocked at the physical or emotional level, or both. Homeopathic doctors also believe that emotional stress creates this blockage. Therefore, you should start by examining your life and listing major changes that happened around the time you began to experience vertigo.
Also, realize that even happy situations may cause stress. For instance, the birth of a baby or a wedding are often joyous events. However, they may create emotional instability. When looking at your life, consider everything that has occurred. According to the principles of homeopathy, your cell memory stores whatever feelings you had in association with that stressful event. Those feelings continue to express themselves as disease long after the trigger event has passed, until you resolve them. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is one such expression of an emotion you felt during a stressful moment.
A homeopathic formula won't treat BPPV per se. Its goal isn't to go after the calcium particles causing havoc in your body. Instead, the homeopathic formula you take will work to relieve stressful emotion. Then, as a result, the calcium particles will move away from your ear canal, stopping the vertigo.
Therefore, it's crucial that you pinpoint the correct feeling a traumatic experience sparked so you can address it with the right preparation. For instance, if you recently became a parent, you may be anxious now. If you divorced, you could be depressed. Conium is often recommended for vertigo associated with depression. On the other hand, you may take Causticum if you're anxious.
Ideally, you'll be receiving advice from a health-care practitioner who knows homeopathy. However, if you don't have access to someone with the right credentials or you want to give it a try on your own, you'll find homeopathic formulas at your local health-food store. There is often someone on staff who has basic knowledge about the different formulas or a reference book you can consult to find the homeopathic preparation for your condition.
Don't be discouraged if you don't see improvements right away. Homeopathy can be a slow healing process; it may be three to five months before you become symptom-free.
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