Ways to Strengthen Your Memory With Almond Oil
Memory Benefits
Although almonds and almond oil are considered to be extremely healthy foods when consumed in moderation, scientists have not yet determined whether or not daily consumption of almond oil improves brain and memory function. Researchers in India believe the oil may help increase brain and memory function when ingested daily (Agricultural Products). However, more studies must be completed before the effects of almond oil on memory can be determined.
Taking Almond Oil
To receive the maximum benefits, mix one tablespoon of almond oil into an eight ounce glass of milk and consume with breakfast each day. Researchers in India believe two to three drops of almond oil applied externally on the head, ears and inside of the nose may help increase brain function (Hubpages). Edible pastes can also be made for more convenient consumption. To make, soak ten almonds overnight in water and remove the hard casing in the morning, then grind with ten grams of butter and two tablespoons of sugar.
Additional Benefits
Almond oil has many health benefits and is high in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E (Agricultural Products). In addition, the oil is often used in aromatherapy and massage therapy, as it is easily absorbed by the skin and helps to clear and refine skin complexion (Agricultural Products). The product also helps strengthen the immune system and may prevent gall stones (Agricultural Products). The product also prevents dandruff and hair loss when applied directly to the scalp.