Ways to Strengthen Your Mind With Almond Oil
Almond oil is a clear, odorless extract made from ground almonds. The product is sold in most grocery and health food stores, and may strengthen brain activity and function when consumed daily.-
A Super Food
Nutritionists claim almond oil is a super food due to its natural health properties. The oil, made from compressed almonds, is high in protein and mono and poly-saturated fats. Although excessive intake of almond oil may raise cholesterol levels, moderate amounts may strengthen the immune system, clear skin complexion, reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, and help prevent gall stones from forming. In addition, a study completed by Pennsylvania State University determined that two flavonoids found in almonds and almond oils may help suppress tumor growth caused by lung and prostate cancer.
Effects on Brain Function
Although scientists claim more studies are needed to determine the effects of almond oil on brain function, studies have shown daily consumption of almonds and almond oil help improve brain and memory function. One study, completed by the Institute for Frontier Science, determined that diets high in unsaturated, unhydrogenated fats may help improve brian function and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Almond Oil In Diets
Almond oil is healthy, versatile and can also be used in cooking and baking. The oil can be used to replace vegetable, canola or corn oil in most recipes, and may also be consumed alone or in milk. One tablespoon of almond oil can be mixed into one eight-ounce glass of milk, or the oil can be combined with butter and sugar to form an almond oil spread. Soak 10 almonds overnight in water, then grind, and cream with ten ounces of butter. Add sugar, if necessary, and use on toasts, bagels and other products as a healthier alternative.