How to Cold Press Aloe

Aloe vera has been used for centuries as a topical application for burns and skin irritations. It is also used as a beverage to promote digestive health and as a general health tonic. Cold pressing your own aloe vera for consumption is an easy process.

Things You'll Need

  • Whole aloe vera leaves
  • Food processor
  • Cheesecloth
  • Small meshed sieve
  • Plastic or silicone spatula
  • Glass bowl
  • Glass jar or plastic container with lid
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  1. Cold Pressed Aloe Vera

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      Cut 10 to 15 leaves from a healthy aloe vera plant. The amount of leaves cut depends on the amount of juice you want.

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      Place the aloe vera leaves into a food processor. Pulse the food processor until you get a slushy liquid.

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      Pour the mixture of liquid and solids from the food processor into a sieve lined with cheesecloth set onto a glass bowl. Only do a small amount of the mixture at a time. Press the mixture with a plastic or silicone spatula so that the juice runs into the bowl and the solids are left in the sieve. Scrape the bottom of the sieve to get all of the juice off.

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      Store the juice in a glass jar with a lid or plastic container sealed in the refrigerator.

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