Homeopathic Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil may be used to increase blood flow, which will in turn decrease joint inflammation. Warm coconut oil and mix with three pieces of camphor. Use this mixture as a rub to soothe aching joints. If coconut oil is not available, mustard oil may be used as a substitute.
Potato Juice
Potato juice is useful for combating the symptoms of RA. Cut an un-peeled medium potato into thin slices and place into a glass of cold water. Let the potato sit overnight and drink the water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Omega-3 Fish Oil
The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil can be used to treat inflammation and reduce morning joint stiffness. It is important to take caution when using this method, as taking a high dosages on a daily basis may increase chances of bleeding.
Morpheme Arthcare Capsules
Another home remedy for RA is Morpheme Arthcare Capsules. These capsules not only help to rebuild damaged cartilage but they also promote healthy joints.
Epsom Salt
Bathing or soaking in warm water is helpful to RA patients. For added comfort add Epsom salt to the bath water. Epsom salt provides comfort and relieve stiffness and inflammation of joints.