Homeopathy for Hair Growth
Causes of Hair Loss
Hair loss in men and women can occur due to hormonal imbalances, diseases, genetic disorders and medications. Homeopathy helps in healing the underlying problems that cause hair loss and helps in hair growth as well.
Since hair loss occurs due to various reasons, there are different remedies for hair loss in homeopathy. If hair falls out in small tufts and is brittle, then fluoric acid with a potency of 6C is advised. Lycopodium is recommended for those cases where hair loss occurs in the post-partum period. Kali sulphuricum is for those patients who have moist or sticky dandruff which is flaking and yellow in appearance. Other homeopathic remedies include selenium and natrum mur.
Time Frame
The duration or the time frame for the cure depends on a variety of factors, including the extent of the underlying problems or disorders, extent of the problem, and the scope of the affected areas.
Side Effects
According to hpathy.com, if homeopathic remedies are prescribed in higher potencies, there are generally no side effects. However, low potency triturates and tinctures may have some minor side effects. Although rare, homeopathic remedies may cause some reactions in extremely sensitive individuals.
Even though homeopathy has no or little side effects, do consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner before taking any homeopathic remedies.