Homeopathic Remedies for Thyroid Problems
You can use Iodumm a homeopathic remedy, when you have hyperthyroidism condition as well as exophthalmos problems which is characterized with bulging eyes and also goiter problems. The recommended potency is 30c, according to herbs2000.com. Iodum can help reduce the symptoms of heart palpitations, body overheating and muscular palpitations that occur with hyperthyroidism.
You can take Lachesis which is another homeopathic remedy to take when you have hyperthyroidism. It is best used for symptoms such as gushing of blood to the face, hot flashes, cardiac palpitations and body heat. Other symptoms you may experience are a feeling of restlessness, impatience and being overly talkative.
Nat Mur
You can try Nat Mur if you have the following symptoms from hyperthyroidism---unexplained physical weakness, and exhaustion. Your skin could feel very dry along with a dry mouth. Heart palpitations is another symptom of this condition. You may also feel you want to be isolated and away from people for long periods of time.
Spongia Tosta
Spongia Toasta is another homeopathic remedy you can try for thyroid problems. Some of the symptoms that could be treated are the following---swelling and hardening of the thyroid gland, a sticking pain, cardiac and muscle palpitations You could also have a persistent barking cough. and could be plagued with depression and anger.
Vitamins and supplements
You can take vitamin B complex for both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism according to herbs2000.com. Take Vitamin C 1,000mg per day for both conditions. Copper and Zinc may be helpful. Take 2mg of copper and 30mg of zinc daily.Take Tyrosine 1,000mg daily, and add a mixed amino acid complex after four weeks. Take 10 gm of powdered kelp daily to support your thyroid gland.
Things to do and Warnings
There are several things you can do before seeking homeopathic treatment according to Cindee Gardner PhD, molecular biologist and practitioner of Homeopathy. Thyroidium is a homeopathic remedy to stimulate an under-active thyroid. Tap the thyroid gland gently ten times at three times daily. Soak feet in water with sea salt, and rub your feet with castor oil and kelp tincture. Wrap your feet with plastic and cover with socks overnight. Get a clear diagnosis from your health provider and a green light before trying homeopathic remedies.