Homeopathy for Bladder Infections
Bladder Infection
More than eight million people seek medical attention each year due to bladder infections, according to the National Kidney and Urulogic Diseases Information Clearninghouse (NKUDIC).
Your bladder infection is bacterial, and it infects any part of your urinary system. This system includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Your urinary system is responsible for ridding waste products from your body through the production and excretion of urine.
Homeopathic medicine treats many disorders with highly diluted substances. When you use homeopathic medicine, it treats your whole body, not just your physical symptoms.
Cantharis is derived from a secretion from Spanish fly. This homeopathic remedy helps to cure urinary tract inflammations and tenderness in the area of the kidneys.
Solidago is made from the golden rod plant. It is native to Europe and Asia, but now it's found in North America. It is a remedy that treats urinary system problems including infection.
Chimaphila comes from Prince's pine. Above all, this homeopathic medicine is used for urinary tract problems like painful urination and obstructed urinary flow, conditions often associated with infection.
Getting Help
Homeopathic remedies are available at most health food stores and from homeopathy practicioners.