Home Remedy for Yeast Infection in Ear
Most yeast infections are caused by the same microorganism, so there are effective home remedies that will also help virtually any yeast infection. Take freeze-dried garlic and olive leaf extract; both are antifungal. Take 1,500mg of garlic daily (approximately two cloves) and 1 to 2g of olive leaf extract a day. Also take 1 to 3 tsp of extra-virgin olive oil a day.
Apply some essential oils on yeast infections, such as Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) and Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender) to stop the growth of fungal infections. Make a diluted solution and apply to the infected spot; they can relieve the itching and inflammation. According to the book "Aromatherapy and Massage for Mother and Baby," written by Allison England, you can mix one and a half teaspoons of tea tree oil with one third of a teaspoon of lavender in a dark blue glass or small amber dropper bottle. Next, add 7 drops to some pure aloe gel and apply to the infected area. This is a very soothing home remedy for the ear.
Candida albicans is always present in the body, so prevention means controlling its growth. Taking antibiotics eradicates the good as well as the bad bacteria, which can allow the yeast to grow uncontrolled. When the bacteria are all killed, the yeast has no check and begins to grow. Take lactobacillus and yogurt when you have to take antibiotics, so that the good bacteria stay at a useful level. Consider dietary changes to manage yeast, such as eliminating refined carbohydrates and sugar. Choose wholesome foods, and eat them separately from cooked food to avoid fermentation in the stomach.
Garlic contains powerful antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, which make it an ideal choice for combating yeast overgrowth. To make garlic oil, crush three cloves of garlic and combine with olive oil and keep it at room temperature for a several days. Strain it and let it remain in the refrigerator. This is not for food preparation. Warm a few drops and put them in the ear with the yeast infection. Some people even put a small sliver of garlic directly into the ear and cover it with a cotton ball. Eat one or two cloves of garlic a day to keep yeast infections at bay.