Home Remedies for Abdominal Pain
Identify Your Pain
The abdomen is the region between the groin and the chest. This is quite a large area, and abdominal pain can be localized or general. For example, cramps in the lower part of the abdomen may be caused by menstruation in females, whereas pain in the chest is usually associated with heartburn. Isolating the type of stomach pain you are experiencing will aid in diagnosis and treatment, as well as prevention of future episodes.
Before you choose a home remedy, isolate the specific area of pain. An excellent resource to help you isolate where it hurts can be found at the Homeopathy World Community's website.
Change Position
The position of the body can influence the intensity of stomach pain. Try sitting upright or elevating your head if you need to lie down in bed.
Herbal Remedies
Chamomile tea is an excellent source of relief for those who suffer from abdominal pain and is particularly helpful in the treatment of heartburn.
Hing powder, or asafoetida, is a commonly used herbal remedy for stomach pain. A 2000 study at the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in Iran concluded that the spice triggers contraction of the smooth muscle in the stomach. Make a paste by mixing asafoetida powder with olive oil. Massage into the belly button in a circular motion.
Ginger is also an excellent home remedy for stomach pain. Drink ginger tea or apply a ginger paste to the belly button. Mixing ginger with lemon and sugar (or just drinking ginger ale) is an excellent remedy for abdominal pain, according to natural-homeremedies.org.
Other herbs that can alleviate stomach pain include fenugreek, fennel, coriander, celery seeds, bay leaves and bishop's weed.
A 2006 study conducted at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France's national organization for public health research, found that adding probiotics to a daily diet could reduce abdominal pain recurrence, particularly if provoked by irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics are good bacteria that help maintain a healthy environment in the gut. Yogurt is the most common and beneficial source of probiotics, although supplements can also be purchased at health food stores.
Usually, abdominal pain is caused by diet, as noted in organicfacts.net's helpful article, "Home Remedies for Abdomen Pain." You can prevent abdominal pain by eliminating spicy, fatty and fried foods from the diet. Drinking sufficient amounts of water and avoiding caffeine will also help prevent recurring abdominal pain.
According to Mayoclinic.com, abdominal pain is not usually a cause for concern. But persistent debilitating pain may require medical attention. See a doctor if you experience bloody stools, vomiting or persistent nausea, yellow skin or tenderness and swelling of the abdomen. If pain could be related to an injury, seek medical attention to prevent further damage.