Homeopathic Heartburn Cure
Lifestyle Changes
Dr. Vikas Sharma, a homeopathic specialist based in India, suggests changing habits before using homeopathic remedies for heartburn. Before you begin homeopathic treatment, it is important to analyze your particular symptoms. Keep careful track of your diet. Are there any foods that result in especially painful heartburn episodes? Usually, heartburn patients are sensitive to certain foods, such as coffee, citrus fruits, alcohol, onions and carbonated drinks. If you find that any foods aggravate your heartburn symptoms, eliminate them from your diet. It may also be helpful to replace them with other foods that encourage proper digestion. Sharon Saka, a dietitian and member of the American Dietetic Association and the American Association of Diabetes Educators, suggests replacing acidic, fried or fatty foods with whole grains, vegetables and noncitrus fruits. Other foods that are easy on the stomach and full of nutrients include oatmeal, turkey, salmon and chicken. Licorice, drinking chamomile tea after meals and chewing gum may also help relieve heartburn symptoms.
Avoid eating less than 2 or 3 hours before bed, and elevate your head with pillows at night to aid digestion. Eat slowly during meals, and consider changing your eating habits. For example, rather than having three large meals a day, try eating several smaller meals throughout the day. Doing so will decrease pressure on the stomach and make digestion easier.
Homeopathic Principles
Homeopathy operates on several basic principles, as noted at the American Institute of Homeopathy's "Standards of Practice," listed on their website. First of all, homeopathy encourages a holistic approach to medicine (hence the emphasis on lifestyle and changing potentially damaging habits). Secondly, homeopathic treatments often operate on the principle of 'like cures like.' Often, the treatments that homeopaths choose are actually similar to the cause of the condition. Thirdly, homeopathic treatment will often begin with the lowest possible dosages and increase based on the response of the patient.
In short, homeopathic care attempts to individualize treatment in a way that conventional medicine often doesn't. If you have already tried over-the-counter or prescription medicines and have seen no improvement, homeopathy may be the way to go.
Nux Vomica
Nux vomica, a commonly recommended homeopathic heartburn remedy, may be helpful to those who can't eliminate all heartburn trigger foods from their diet. Truestarhealth.com's online article "Homeopathic Remedies for Indigestion and Gas" suggests Nux vomica for those who tend to consume large amounts of alcohol, food and stimulants--caffeine, for instance.
Carbo Vegetabilis
Carbo vegetabilis, or vegetable charcoal, acts on the mucus membranes of the digestive system in order to release gas. It is recommended for those who suffer from heartburn accompanied by sour belching, incomplete digestion and flatulence.
Arsenicum Album
Arsenic is an infamous killer, but it can also relieve heartburn symptoms. Arsenicum album may help those whose symptoms are caused by eating bad food or too much fruit. It can relieve burning stomach pain or food aversions. Don't worry about being poisoned; Arsenicum album is very heavily diluted.