Homeopathic Alternative Remedies to Substitute for Keppra
The philosophy of homeopathy is to treat an individual's symptoms, as opposed to treating the condition. Different people with the same condition, such as epilepsy or seizures, may be treated with different remedies: this is because homeopathy believes in treating the whole person, taking into account his or her body type, personal health history, and mental and emotional state, among other factors.
Homeopathy treats symptoms according to the principle of "like treats like." A homeopathic remedy for seizures may include a natural substance that is thought to cause seizures in people who do not have them. The substance will be present in a very diluted state, not at full strength.
Homeopathic Treatments
European mistletoe has been used for thousands of years for homeopathic alternative remedies for seizure disorders. It is sold in supplement form and in Europe is available as a prescription medication given by injection. (American mistletoe used during the holidays for decoration is a different plant, and extremely poisonous.)
According to University of Maryland Medical Center, other treatments used in homeopathy for seizure disorders include Causticum, Cuprum metallicum, Cicuta and belladonna. In the tradition of homeopathy sulfur is sometimes used as well. Administration of any of these substances is best left to a homeopath who understands the unique circumstances of each individual.
Most of Keppra's side effects are mild and should lessen over time. Many patients complain of drowsiness: if this continues ask your physician about supplements or vitamins to help lessen the effect. Depression, allergic reactions, itching, vomiting or severe reactions should be reported immediately.
If you need to stop taking Keppra for any reason your physician should gradually decrease your dosage. Don't just stop taking it on your own; very serious consequences can occur.
There is little or no scientific evidence that homeopathic remedies work, and just because a remedy is natural or homeopathic does not mean that there are no potential side effects or adverse reactions. Many natural substances cannot be taken together or with other medications; precautions need to be taken no matter what type of remedy you use.