Remedy for Stuffy Sinus & Runny Nose
Sinus headaches and infections are often caused by mucus buildup. One way to tell if mucus is beginning to build is if you are rolling out of bed feeling congested or having nosebleeds. The warmer the temperature, the more likely your nasal membranes are to dry out, ultimately preventing mucus from easily exiting the body. Keeping your home thermostat set at a cooler temperature will help eliminate this.
Since mucus builds up when your nasal membranes are dry, a simple way to keep those membranes moist is to humidify your air. For a humidifier to work properly, be sure it is at a setting that does not keep the air too moist. If the air is too moist, dust mites may decide to move in and irritate your sinuses even more.
Many humidifiers now allow vaporizers to be added. Vaporizers can help reduce nasal congestion. However, be sure to breathe in only the mist from the humidifier and not the steam.
Neti Pot
Some think the best way to keep sinus problems away is to irrigate every day. Neti pots provide users with an easy and inexpensive way to do just this. Neti pots can be made from plastic or ceramic, but they all resemble small teapots with long spouts.
In the pot, mix about a pint of warm water with 1 teaspoon of salt. Then simply tilt your head to the side and slowly pour the mixture into one nostril. The mixture will follow your nasal passage around and exit through your other nostril. Repeat this process with your other nostril.
While this will feel extremely uncomfortable at first, it is very likely your sinuses will begin to feel much better over the next few days as you consistently remove the excess mucus stuck up in there.
Fresh Air
You also may find that your sinuses will clear up if you open up a window or two in the house and allow some fresh air to come in. Stale air can contain dust and mold particles that can cause your allergies to flare up. So, if you haven't aired out your home in a while, give it a try.