Natural Remedies for Forgetfulness & Menopause
Natural Remedies
Taking St. John's wort will help women who as a result of menopause are suffering from depression. The following vitamins, supplements, and natural remedies are beneficial to those who with menopausal symptoms: acetyl-l-carnitine, agnus castus, vitamin a, vitamin b6, vitamin b12, vitamin c, black cohosh, calcium, coenzyme q10, vitamin d, vitamin e, folic acid, vitamin k, boron, magnesium, phosphatidyl serine, and selenium.
Increasing the amount of organic fruits and vegetables that you eat each day will help alleviate the symptoms of menopause. According to Richard Gordin, Ph.D., professor of physical education at Utah State University in Logan, "Regular exercise improves blood flow to the brain, and improved blood flow often means improved thinking and memory."
Increasing your levels of natural estrogen will help reduce the effects of menopause. recommends that you eat any of the following: alfalfa sprouts, soybeans, soy sprouts, crushed flaxseeds, garlic, green beans, sesame seeds, wheat, yams, pumpkin seeds, cucumbers, corn, apples, anise seeds, cabbage, beets, olive oil, olives, papaya, oats, peas, and sunflower seeds. Additionally, taking evening primrose oil three times daily will also alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
People tend to suffer from memory loss for a variety of reasons: Alzheimer's disease, alcohol abuse, amnesia, dementia, old age, fatigue, brain damage, smoking, stress, trauma or a busy schedule. The following are many of the natural remedies and vitamins that you can take to help with memory loss: bacopin, beta-carotene, calcium, DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), folic acid, ginko biloba, gotu kola, hawthorn, omega-3 fatty acids, black or green tea, rosemary, and schisandra and vitamin b12.
Women undergoing menopause may suffer from hot flashes. To help combat hot flashes, try all of the following natural remedies: cohosh root tincture, dong quai root tincture, sarsaparilla tincture, licorice root tincture, chaste tree tincture and ginseng root tincture.
Always consult with your medical doctor prior to starting any natural remedies.