Homeopathic Remedy for Electrolyte Imbalance
Electrolytes are important elements that are found naturally in our food and drinks. Magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium are examples of electrolytes; having too much or too little of any of these will cause an electrolyte imbalance in your body. Other contributing factors like regular exercise and poor diet can cause you to lose electrolytes, which contribute to the imbalance. Maintaining the level of your electrolytes is important to overall health; deficiencies can cause other health issues such as high blood pressure. Changing diet and other personal habits will help combat your electrolyte imbalance.-
Since electrolytes are commonly found in what we eat and drink, maintaining a healthy diet is important to electrolyte balance. Fruits and vegetables contain the most electrolytes; especially watermelons, pineapples, tomatoes and bananas. Eat at least five 1 cup servings daily, which will restore energy and replenish electrolytes.
Electrolyte supplements are another aid in electrolyte replenishment. Use an all-natural supplement that contains approximately 600mg to 1000mg of magnesium citrate or magnesium aspartate with potassium. Often it can be difficult to derive the complete amount of electrolytes necessary from diet alone, thus a supplement within these guidelines will considerably aid in restoring your electrolyte imbalance.
Epsom Salt Soak
Magnesium sulfate or Epsom salt allows the minerals to soak directly into the body's pores, instantly replenishing needed electrolytes. Use 2 cups of Epsom salt in a warm bath weekly.
Drink plenty of water daily. The typical eight glasses of water a day stands, and as an added bonus you can add one tsp. of salt to each 8 oz. of water. The extra sodium will contribute to a proper electrolyte balance. Staying hydrated is especially important if you work out on a regular basis. Exercise and sweating will deplete your electrolyte store; take these precautions before engaging in strenuous activities.