Homeopathic Cures for Kidney Stones
Water and Movement
According to WebMD.com, most doctors suggest at-home treatment for kidney stones. Drinking six to eight glasses per day is the first step to treating your kidney stone. Water helps move the stone away from the kidneys and into the urinary tract where it will eventually be eliminated. The water also helps to erode away the stone; however, very minimally. Water also helps to prevent further stones from building up as kidney stones are formed from an excess of calcium and other minerals in the kidneys, often due to a lack of water. Mayoclinic.org recommends that staying active also helps to force the kidney stones out of your body.
Vitamins B6 and C
Most kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate. A study from the University of Oregon found a correlation between vitamin B6 and kidney stones. Preliminary findings suggest that vitamin B6 reduces the amount of urinary oxalate in urine, a binding ingredient of calcium oxalate. In addition with water, the intake can help clear a kidney stone and greatly reduce the risk of developing more kidney stones. Vitamin B6 is best attained through diet. The best sources include: spinach, bell peppers, and turnip greens. Other foods with high vitamin B6 levels are garlic, tuna, cauliflower and mushrooms.
Vitamin C, as claimed in the book "The Vitamin C Connection," further acidifies the urine to a degree that dissolved the phosphorous found in calcium oxalate stones. At least 200mg of Vitamin C can help dissolve the stone to the point where a stone can pass freely through the urinary tract.
Apples And Cranberry Juice
Apples are famed throughout the world as a cure for kidney stones. Scientists are not sure of how they are effective; however, a study from the Maine Medical Center found that a diet rich in apples--a variety fruits and vegetables were also recommended--helped reduce the rate of kidney stones. The properties in the apples are also believed to help the body break down already formed stones in the body, aiding the body in eliminating the stone. Nations with high intakes of apples, apple cider and apple products experience few kidney stones in comparison to the global average.
A study from the University of Cape Town in South Africa found that drinking cranberry juice reduces levels of urinary oxalate and phosphates in urine. The properties of cranberry juice, which are still not isolated, are claimed by the study to help cure a formed stone by helping to breakdown the stones. Drinking 8 oz. per day is a healthy amount of juice; cver intake of cranberry juice is dangerous as there are high amounts of sugar found in cranberries.