Homeopathic Treatment for Small Burns
Arnica Montana
Arnica is helpful for treating the shock that results from any burn. It works to soothe the nerves as well as the physical components of the injury and reduces swelling.
A tincture of calendula diluted in water can promote tissue repair when applied topically. It is known for its effectiveness for treating cuts, burns and skin that has been scalded. Calendula is also available in gel or cream form.
Hypericum Perforatum
Hypericum is usually indicated for more serious burns with nerve damage; however, it can bring welcome relief if you are having extreme pain from a minor burns.
Urtica Urens
Urtica treats skin pain from burns and scalds. It is helpful for relieving itching and stinging sensations like those that accompany sunburn.
Urtica Dosage
Dissolve five pellets under the tongue. Frequency of dosage depends on individual response and specific injury, so be prepared to take as few as one dose, or as many as several, until symptoms subside or disappear completely.