Rescue Remedy for Stress
Rescue Remedy spray or drops are put directly in the mouth. Rescue Remedy gel and balm are applied on the skin. The skin ointments soothe stress through relieving muscle tension or stiffness; the spray and drops help by putting flower essences in your system. Generally, feelings of relief, relaxation and ease are associated with Rescue Remedy.
Rescue Remedy is made up of five homeopathic flower essences that aim to restore the body's natural balance by soothing emotional or stressful negative emotions. The five flower essences are : rock rose, clematis, star of Bethlehem, impatiens and cherry plum. Each essence relieves a particular emotional aliment. Rock rose alleviates panic and terror, clematis helps with inattentiveness, star of Bethlehem eases shock, impatiens gets rid of irritation and impatience and cherry plum calms irrational thought. All five in combination provide a potent tool to deal with all the symptoms of stress.
According to "Medical News Today," researchers at the University of Miami School Of Nursing and the Sikrin Creative Living Center found Rescue Remedy to be an effective stress soother, with benefits that parallel prescription medication. But unlike prescription pills, Rescue Remedy has no danger of addiction or health complications. This was a double-blind clinical trial, where half the participants received placebo, and the other half got Rescue Remedy.
While some stress is part of everyday life, too much stress can be detrimental to health. Stress reduces the body's ability to fight off diseases and infections by weakening the immune system. It can also make people prone to mental ailments like depression, anxiety and insomnia. Stress can lead to physical problems as well, like hair loss, obesity, sexual dysfunction and ulcers. People who suffer from acute stress are more vulnerable, on average, to cancer and heart disease, than other people.