Homeopathic Remedies for an Abscessed Tooth
The Teabag Method
A combination of a teabag and Ibuprofen can assist with the early onset of an infection while also deadening the pain. In order to use this, the abscess must be in the early stages of infection. Visit your local grocery store or pharmacy to purchase both products. Ensure that you take the recommended dosage of Ibuprofen, and then place the teabag inside your mouth near the point of pain. If you know which tooth is infected, press the teabag against the gum line of the infected tooth. You can also place a pinch of salt at the base of the tooth before placing the teabag on the area.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract spray and capsules can be purchased at a health food store, and are a great natural source for pain reduction. An additional benefit is grapefruit seed extract's ability to fight a bacterial infection. This method is perhaps the easiest and most direct. Start the treatment by spraying the grapefruit seed extract directly on the infected tooth. If desired, you can also take the capsules at this time to further help reduce the pain and infection.
Potassium Carbonate Mouthwash
This home remedy is very effective if performed in conjunction with the application of a clove to the infected area. Mix 1/4 tsp. of potassium carbonate in half a glass of water, then swish it in your mouth. Rinsing your mouth three to four times a day will result in reduction of the pain caused by the infection at the root of the abscessed tooth.
Draining the Infection
If you can see the infected pocket around the gum line, draining the infection is an effective option. The first step is to caress the infected area with anise oil, which will assist in deadening the pain. Wait for approximately 30 minutes before draining the infected area with a sterilized straight pin. Hold the pin directly in a flame for 30 seconds and then poke the infected pocket near your tooth. Follow this by squeezing the pocket and removing the pus. Use peroxide to rinse your mouth after draining the infected area.