Homeopathic Lower Back Pain Remedies
Arnica comes from the plant arnica Montana. Use this remedy for pain following an injury. It is commonly used in sports medicine for sprains and bruises for the relief of pain and inflammation. Use arnica either as a cream or an ointment. Apply to the skin of the lower back, or take it orally in tablet form. Note that arnica can be quite toxic; take only a small amount orally.
Bryonia is very helpful if your back pain gets worse even with the slightest movement, such as by coughing or walking. It is especially useful after injury to your back or with illness that causes back pain. It is made from the root of a vine and is available in a pellet form. Follow package directions and simply dissolve under your tongue.
Calcarea carbonica
Calcarea carbonica is a form of calcium that is found in nature. It is deep acting, it treats chronic fatigue and it fortifies the bones. Use Calcarea carbonica to treat back pain and to strengthen weak muscles. Take it in tablet form. Do not eat or drink for 20 minutes before or after taking it.
Calcarea Phosphoric
Calcarea phosphoric is different from calcarea carbonica. Use this remedy to ease stiffness or soreness in your lower back muscles or joints. It is also essential for the growth of your bones. Consume in tablet form several times a day. Dissolve them under your tongue.
Dulcamara is sometimes known as bittersweet or nightshade. Try this remedy if you suffer from rheumatism or arthritis, and if you have problems with your lower back when it is cold and damp. It will help you with stiffness in your back as well. To make an infusion, mix 1 ounce of the dried herb with 2 cups of water and boil it; drink it two or three times a day.
Homeopathic Dosage
Pick a homeopathic medicine that best correlates with your symptoms. If you decide to treat yourself, follow package instructions carefully and begin with lower potency like 6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C, unless otherwise directed by a physician. For higher potency, visit your local homeopathic practitioner or your medical doctor.
Low back problems may be indicative of a more serious health problem, so consult with your medical doctor before using homeopathic medicines. Also, be aware that some homeopathic remedies can interact with other herbs, supplements, over-the-counter and prescription medicines.