Homeopathic Remedies for Congestion
There are several homeopathic remedies that may relieve congestion. Consider all your symptoms and then choose the best remedy for you.
Allium cepa
Allium cepa is a homeopathic remedy derived from onions. This remedy is usually recommended to people who have congestion accompanied by a headache, runny nose, watery eyes and frequent sneezing. You might also have a cough and your nose might be red and irritated. Allium cepa may be good if your symptoms seem to get better in the open air and worse when you go indoors.
If your congestion seems to have been triggered by a change in the weather or by seasonal allergies, then dulcamara might bring you relief. Dulcamara is derived from the nightshade family of plants and helps to relieve congestion and sinus pain.
Sometimes congestion is clearly more than just a cold. If you are running a low fever and have muscle aches throughout your body, if you are coughing up mucus and have no energy to do anything other than lie on the couch, or if you feel dizzy and your eyes are sensitive to light, gelsemium is often the best homeopathic remedy.
If every time you blow your nose you're expelling mucus that's yellow or green, pulsatilla is a good homeopathic remedy. Feeling worse at night, running a fever, and feeling emotionally needy are also indications that pulsatilla might help.
Taking a Homeopathic Remedy
When taking a homeopathic remedy without a doctor's supervision, choose remedies that have been diluted at least 12 times. Look for 12X, 12C, 30X or 30C on the label.
Take a single dose and wait to see if you feel any better. If you notice an improvement, that means you've chosen the right remedy. Wait until the affects begin to wear off and you start to feel worse again before taking another dose.
If you don't feel any improvement within an hour or two, try a different remedy.