How to Understand Homeopathic Dosage
You should take the lowest possible dose that produces results.
And you should only take one remedy at a time on a clean palate.
Finding the specific remedy that cures your specific symptoms is a time-consuming process that requires dedication. Ideally, there is one exact remedy, called a simillium, which will ease the exact combination of symptoms as they are manifested throughout the body. The following is a quick guide to understanding the terminology and labeling of homeopathic remedial dosing.
Things You'll Need
- Bottles of various homeopathic remedies
Recognize that all traditional homeopathic medicines are derived from natural substances. In the medicine these substances have been soaked in alcohol and then strained to remove the fibers. This produces a highly concentrated remedy that is then diluted with water and is referred to as the mother tincture.
Read a product label; the dosage listed on a product will be followed by one of three letters: X (decimal), C (centesimal) or M (millesimal). The letter X refers to the 10th power, C refers to the 100th power and M refers to the 1,000th power of the ratio of remedy to water. For example, a solution labeled 1C is one part remedy and 99 parts water.
Notice that lower number doses are more common then higher number doses. This is because in homeopathic medicine, lower doses taken more frequently are more effective the higher doses taken once or twice. The mechanism behind this is unclear, but in practice this is validated by centuries of use dating back to the time of Hippocrates (400-470 BC).
Scan the labels of homeopathic medicines available at the market. Certain remedies contain multiple ingredients and are referred to as combined remedies. This goes against the traditional practice of homeopathy where you only take one remedy at a time so you can accurately monitor the effectiveness.
Talk to a professional homeopath. Generally, low potencies are used for children, to treat acute illness and as a preventative measure. Medium potencies are used for seasonal symptoms, chronic diseases and as first aid treatments. And high potencies must be special ordered by a homeopath for a special condition.