How to Kill Intestinal Fungus
Things You'll Need
- Probiotic yogurt or kefir cultures
- Calendar or notebook
Determine the available sources and types of yogurt.
Survey the brands, names and prices of yogurt, or kefir available.
Many yogurts are marketed as "probiotic" or "immune defense" types.
Note, for individuals who are lactose-intolerant, some soy yogurt products are available. -
Make a personal preference written list of yogurt types, or kefir, and write down those to be used in the diet.
Note: some yogurts are not all natural, and may contain synthetic or artificial ingredients, e.g. sucralose (Nutrasweet), added to lower caloric content.
Determine how natural the yogurt is and the types of cultures used to produce the product. -
Write down these notes as useful examples and time-savers of significant yogurt and Kefir types:
Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces, and Leuconostoc.
In most cases, kefir will contain all of the previous listed genera of microbes.
Yogurt will contain one or two species of microbes. -
Purchase a seven-day supply of yogurt, assuming consumption of one to two cups of yogurt per day.
Begin yogurt consumption at least once or twice each day.
Mark the calendar with the date and time of consumption. -
Continue note-taking on the calendar, or notebook, and include any notes on bowel and intestinal activities.
Except for lactose intolerance, there should be no intestinal problems, and the cultures ingested will begin and continue to suppress and kill Candida albicans.