Homeopathic Therapy for Menopause or Hormonal Imbalance
Use Dong Quai
Consider using the herb dong quai to help balance your fluctuating hormones. According to Holisticonline.com, dong quai herb is a well known Chinese herb that has been dubbed the female tonic because it reportedly assists in estrogen replacement and, additionally, contains vitamin E and iron, both of which women need.
If you use dong quai, which is also called angelica, you may find that your incidence and intensity of hot flashes diminish as may your incidence of missed periods during peri-menopause (amenorrhea) or, conversely, too frequent menstruation, which is called metrorrhagia. This herb may increase uterine contractions, which are followed by relaxation of the uterus. Dong quai has mild estrogenic effects that stabilize blood vessels, which, in turn, reduce hot flashes.
Another Option
Some women have found success using licorice, which has been used medicinally for several thousand years. Licorice lowers estrogen levels while raising progesterone levels at the same time. PMS is associated with an increase in the estrogen-to-progesterone ratio so taking licorice may quell your PMS. Licorice reportedly restores and stimulates the adrenal glands and contains elements that are very similar to cortisone, which are comparable to the hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Do not take licorice if you are taking digitalis medicine or have high blood pressure. Also be mindful of taking ample amounts of potassium while taking licorice.
Reducing Symptoms of Menopause
Try black cohosh, which consists of a natural precursor to the hormone estrogen. The body uses black cohosh to help produce its own hormones. The reported benefits of taking black cohosh when in menopause include a reduction of tinnitus, which is ringing in the ears and which some menopausal women experience; a reduction in nervousness, irritability, hot flashes and heart palpitations and fewer headaches.
Blood Flow Improvement
Consider using ginkgo biloba. This herb helps you maintain your brain function---say goodbye to brain fog---and will prevent your hands and feet from getting cold. Ginkgo biloba benefits the vascular system, improving blood flow to the extremities.
Additional Herbs and Recommendations
Think about using burdock root, which is a healer and tonic and also considered an aphrodisiac. It has estrogenic properties. Fo-Ti is considered a nutritive herb that is helpful to glands, and damiana is reportedly a hormone regulator and benefits the kidneys and nerves. Gingseng improves energy levels and stamina and contains both testosterone and progesterone precursors. It is considered an anti-carcinogenic. Naturesherbal.com recommends incorporating more soy into your diet because this will promote bone health by helping your body hold onto calcium. In addition, it reportedly relieves those dreaded nights sweats and daytime hot flashes.