Homeopathic Alternative Remedies for Keppra
Vitamin B6 and a daily multivitamin help some individuals combat all of the negative side effects of Keppra. Vitamins are a huge reason why some people feel down and in the dumps. A vitamin deficiency can have physical and negative effects on the body, because a body that is deficient in vitamins and nutrients may not have as much energy or stamina to accomplish the daily activities that need to be completed. Vitamin C will also be beneficial to warding off depression and sustaining high energy levels. This can be received through daily supplements and through eating healthy foods, such as grapefruit, oranges, kiwi fruit and mangos.
St. John's Wort is an over-the-counter herbal supplement often taken for depression and to help with uplifting the personality. The downside to taking St. John's Wort is that though it is an effective anti-depressant, it cannot always be mixed with other medications, so talk to your pharmacist or doctor before mixing it with Keppra. They will be able to advise you as to what you can and cannot take with Keppra.
Aggression can be a nasty side effect of Keppra. Chamomile is a natural herbal ingredient that is available in tea form and in essential oil form that can help reduce aggression. Some people choose to care a small vial of chamomile to sniff whenever they feel stressed or aggressive. Others simply drink 2 to 3 cups of chamomile tea throughout the day or add 2 or 3 bags of chamomile tea to a hot bath. All of these remedies are safe to use while taking Keppra.
Concentration is extremely important and vital to getting things accomplished, so if your concentration is messed up, chances are you aren't accomplishing a whole lot. This can impede our day-to-day life, as well as our important obligations, such as work and caring for ourselves and our families. The B vitamins are crucial to helping with concentration problems. All of the B vitamins can be taken with a B complex vitamin.