How to Identify the Side effects of Natrum Muriaticum
It Is also prescribed for anxious and overly serious children.
Be on guard for a weakened immune system. Natrum muriaticum, or "table salt," is regarded as salt which has been so overly processed that it is reduced from over eighty elements to ony two or three elements. It is claimed that by using table salt we become weak and vulnerable to disease.
Take note of any water retention. Prolonged administration of excessive table salt results in water retention, which is an unhealthy state and causes swelling throughout the body.
Note any complaints of disrupted sleep patterns. Persons who have been treated with natrum muriaticum complain of insomnia, unusual dreams and fatigue.
Monitor the patient for elevated blood pressure levels. High levels of consumption of table salt, or natrum muriaticum, is rampant is North America due to the consumption of processed foods. Salt causes the blood vessels to shrink, as cells are dehydrated. With narrow blood vessels, the blood must pump harder causing high blood pressure.
Pay close attention for any symptoms of kidney disease. One of the results of high blood pressure caused by high intake of natrum muriaticum is chronic kidney disease. It is argued that many cases of kidney disease can be easily prevented by limiting salt in the diet.
Be on guard for potential strokes. Natrum muriaticum - sodium chloride - is a major risk factor for stroke. Extremely high levels of salt intake in residents of a region in Canada suffer greater risk for stroke, which is another malady that is directly attributable to high blood pressure.